The essence of Yingala embodies the celebration of the feminine force, Yin, signifying the nurturing and transformative creative power within each individual. This guiding philosophy is deeply rooted in the fundamental principles of Yin and Yang, where Yin evokes the essential feminine aspects that complement the masculine traits of Yang, forming the very fabric of existence. Gala embodies the tradition of celebrating and singing "heart-soothing laments," reminiscent of the practices observed during ancient times by Enki, the Sumerian God of knowledge and water. Embracing this profound philosophy, Yingala cultivates a living environment characterized by harmony and equilibrium, spotlighting the influential role of feminine energy as a catalyst for both creativity and personal growth.


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Yingala is a sanctuary of alchemy, where the seeds of positivity can flourish within individuals and their living environments. Through a blend of healing products and services, we combine our passion and wisdom to foster a harmonious balance between the masculine and feminine energies, essential for holistic well-being.

Just as planting a seed heralds the beginning of new life, choosing Yingala signifies a commitment to nurturing change and evolution in oneself. Like a caring maternal womb, we embrace and nurture these seeds of change, facilitating personal growth and transformation.


From healing spiritual practices to invigorating trekking excursions, from rejuvenating yoga sessions to immersive cooking classes, and from expressive art and craft workshops to transformative singing and dancing sessions, there's something for everyone seeking personal growth and self-discovery. Dive into neuro-linguistic and writing/poem labs, explore the world of medicinal herbs and natural cosmetics, and embrace the rhythm of the lunar cycle through seed harvesting and traditions lectures. Embark on historical and cultural tours that enrich your understanding of the world and your place within it. Each activity is a pathway to deeper self-awareness and inner harmony, guiding you on your journey of holistic well-being.


Francesca, the creator behind Yingala, crossed paths with Naike, another kindred spirit, on a street in Hanoi. It felt as though the universe had answered Francesca's silent wish for a partner to share her vision. Their instant connection sparked a vibrant energy, propelling Yingala into a new era. What was once solely Francesca's endeavor has now blossomed into a dynamic partnership. Together, they are eager to extend their shared vision to all who are ready to embrace it.


I'm Francesca, the visionary artist behind Yingala, and I believe that life is an art, with travel serving as its greatest muse. My journey into personal development started early, driven by a deep curiosity for the transformative power of oriental disciplines like reiki, yoga, feng shui, and tibetan sound healing. Through these practices, I discovered a profound connection between mind, body, and spirit, igniting my passion for holistic wellness! Feeding my mind with colors and creations I try please my inner child by painting and arranging social event.

I believe in the transformative power of nutrition, consciuoss journeys, and therapeutic art, as part of personal and collective development. Whether you're a couple seeking harmony, friends craving connection, or a solo traveler on a journey of self-discovery, I'm here to inspire and support you. Let's work together to reveal the infinite capacity of your mind, body, and soul.


I am Naike, the literary mind alongside Francesca and in my youth, I intuitively sensed the presence of energies within elements, stones, and the natural world around me, sparking my curiosity and drawing me towards spirituality. This innate attraction led me on a lifelong quest to explore the profound impact of these energies on individuals. Little did I know a few years ago that I would be able to channel this intuition into my life's work and purpose. Kundalini yoga and meditation found me during a dark period of my life, bringing much-needed light and clarity, which I feel compelled to share with others. Along the way, I've also discovered the healing powers of reiki, aromatherapy, chanting, dancing, and other therapeutic practices, all of which have enriched my path and I'm willing to share. As my teacher always said, practicing yoga on the mat is one thing, but the true essence lies in integrating it into our daily lives; that's where the real magic happens.

We strive to make a positive impact on society and the environment through creativity and alchemic retreats.